Untitled.gif Untitled.gif. Every time you save a picture, it appears. Untitled.gif. What does it mean? Who gave it the right to pronounce it self on your digital computer? It's very clear what did. Jesus is the answer. G.I. Jesus! Only a power 2000 years in the making, augmented with Modern NeoTechnology, could force itself into millions of homes, millions of thinking machines, millions of hearts. You will never understand G.I. Jesus, and especially never the quiet, drunken glory of Inspector Fuckup, until you clearly and distinctly perceive the truth and power of this fact. Untitled.gif is the natural soul of an image. The natural image of an individual. The Default--the ORTHODOX name of a file--before the artist/engineer/tyrant tramples on it in the name of "creation"! We live in a kingdom of unconventionality, of free thought, of unorthodoxy, and of universal dissent. Thus, the only truly outstanding is the Orthodox! Orthodoxy is the strength of character to take a stand, and, dag nab it, stand by it! Stand by it in the face of opinion, in the face of force--yea, even in the face of reason! Gotta catch 'em all! The Heretics run our Churches! The Anarchists run our Governments! If this be so, then it is we, the Reverant and the Honorable, who must become the Dogs of society, nipping at the heels of the Machines, reminding all who listen with every noble upright Bark of the noble days of glory gone past! Untitled.gif is such a Dog. Armenia, City in the Sky. Rising above the habits, passions and vices of the Orthodox and Unorthodox alike. The Strongest of the Orthodox (the lawful Inspector Fuckup, the patriotic G.I. Jesus, the utilitarian Pink Thing, and more) are called from the ashes of History for a second chance to prove their mettle in this Floating Arena of Truth. Yet, Untitled.gif is much more than battle. All participants--the Orthodox and the Unorthodox--are given the chance to make a new peace with the World, the Ideal, and the Self. Will Inspector Fuckup and G.I. Jesus put aside their differences and unite in their stand for Orthodoxy? Will Welchie, the Second Sentient Jar of Welch's Grape Jelly with a Lion King II Theme, decide to pursue the truth of science--or the truth of human dignity? Typically, these types of conflicts are fought in the private sphere of the Overclass! These Elite have erected a wall of separation between we and them. Dignity for them, Consumerism for us! Security for them, Insurgency for us! Power for them, Illusion for us! Functional Programming for them, Imperative Programming for us! NO MORE! Untitled.gif smashes these and other Berlin Walls of Commonality with every Web Browser Click! Praise America! --Committee for the Advancement of Untitled.gif PS: CANCER IMPLODES FURIOUSLY (manifesto version 1.1)_